A Short Course in Christianity
The first Koinonia Weekend was held in the Spring of 1972, in Findlay, Ohio, and it is patterned after the Cursillo retreats in the Catholic and Episcopalian faiths. Although the Koinonia Weekends have been modified from the Cursillo, the basic theme still exists… A SHORT COURSE IN CHRISTIANITY.
Koinonia is an encounter with the Holy Spirit and is Trinity conscious and Trinity oriented. Koinonia is a weekend of Christian community living, involving a combination of carefully developed, theologically sound techniques, all of which are meant to lead to a full, personal commitment to Christ.
- Embodies personal witness, but is not a simple revival meeting.
- Employs theological instruction, but is not a church school.
- Employs group dynamics, but is not a sensitivity training or group therapy.
- Includes a period of silent introspection, but is not a simple retreat.
- Is of evangelical input, but is not meant to convert.
- Includes a great amount of dedication and careful preparation on the part of the team, but only basic faith and openness on the part of the candidate.
- Is a clear and obvious manifestation of the work of Christ in the world today, and an example of the presence and effect of the Holy Spirit.
- Is a tool of God, but not an end in itself. Koinonia tends to produce a more long-lived effect than a revival meeting, but it will not produce a
- permanent effect without follow-up activity.
- Can bring new life into a moribund church, but it IS NOT A CHURCH SUBSTITUTE.
People come to the Koinonia for any number of reasons and each arrives with varying attitudes toward God, the mission of Jesus Christ, and love of fellow men. Regardless of the reasons for coming and the various attitudes, we believe each person comes to the Koinonia because God wants them there!!
A Koinonia Weekend leads the participants on a reflective journey of their relationship with Christ, with each segment of the Weekend designed in detail with a purpose and a message to enhance this journey. Each element of the Weekend builds upon the preceding events, and each Talk is given in order, with a particular message being conveyed. Reflection, talks, discussion, and communion (along with a few other surprises) are just a few of the means by which the Candidates examine their relationship with Christ. By the end of the Weekend, the Candidates will have explored where they are in their faith journey, where they can go in their faith journey, and how to get there…
A Life in Grace.